Parents, please remember that in the event of inclement weather or some other urgent reason which necessitates the closing of school, students and parents should listen to radio stations WSB (AM 750), WJGA (92.1 FM - Jackson), or WMAC (AM 940), or television stations WSB (Channel 2, Atlanta) or WMAZ (Channel 13, Macon) or AM/FM (Macon) for the official announcement.
Do not call the school. Hopefully, a decision will be made by 6:00 A.M. If weather is so adverse that radio stations are off the air and telephone communications are disrupted, it is to be assumed that the school will be closed. Parents should use discretion in sending children to school under these conditions.
Unless weather conditions are extremely bad, school will remain open. No announcements will be made over radio stations if school is to remain open.
For further clarification, you may refer to Section J (Emergency Procedures) in your Student Handbook.
Morning Tardies
If your child is tardy in the mornings, please send a note telling us why they are late. If your child does not have a note, he/she will be required to call home. This helps us determine whether the tardiness is "excused" or "unexcused."
Early Dismissals
On days you need to take your child out of school early for any reason (doctor, dentist, orthodontist, funerals, etc.) you will need to send a note to the office that morning stating the time the child is to be dismissed and the reason for the early dismissal. The office will notify the teachers accordingly. Please be aware that all students must sign out in the office before leaving campus.
Planned Student Absences
Please register your family outgoings in the school office in advance. When planning family outings, please consider our school holiday schedule, and, if possible, plan you outings around these days. this would certainly help our teachers. There is a limit on the number of days a student can be excused. By regulation, the Headmaster has the authority to grant only two (2) days toward outings.
Our parents are welcome to visit the school at any time, but when you arrive on campus, please come by the office, sign in, and pick up a visitor's pass. It will only take a moment and will help us maintain a safer environment for our students.
After School Policy
We are not responsible for those children who leave campus. WE CANNOT SUPERVISE OFF CAMPUS AFTER 3:30 PM and WE CANNOT SUPERVISE STUDENTS ON CAMPUS AFTER 4:00 PM.
We simply do not have the manpower/personnel available to handle this. We are asking all parents to have their children picked up y 4:00 PM each day. The only students who need to be on campus after that time are the ones involved in afterschool practices for sports or literary activities and who are under the direct supervision of a faculty member or coach.
On those Fridays when we have home football games, please do not leave your chldren at the school until the game. Footbball games begin at 7:30 PM and stuents do not need to be unsupervised for 5 hours.
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